Buying Broken iPhones: What You Need to Know

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iPhones are some of the most popular smartphones in the world, but even the best phones can break. If you are looking to buy a broken iPhone, there are a few things you need to know.

Where to Buy

There are a few different places where you can buy a broken iPhone. One option is to buy from a private seller. You can find private sellers on online marketplaces like eBay. Another option is to buy from a business that specialises in buying and selling broken phones such as These businesses typically offer a wider selection of phones and may offer better prices than private sellers.

What to Look For

When buying a broken iPhone, it is important to inspect the phone carefully. Look for any physical damage, such as cracks, dents, or water damage. You should also check to see if the phone is still under warranty. If the phone is not under warranty, you will be responsible for the cost of repairs, if the phone is under warranty its worth checking if any damage is covered by warranty, however accidental damage is generally not covered..


The price of a broken iPhone will vary depending on the model of the phone, the severity of the damage, and the condition of the phone. In general, you can expect to pay less for a broken phone than you would for a working phone.

What to Do After You Buy

Once you have bought a broken iPhone, you will need to decide what to do with it. You can either repair the phone yourself, or you can take it to a repair shop. If you decide to repair the phone yourself, you will need to purchase the necessary parts and tools. If you decide to take the phone to a repair shop, you will need to pay for the repairs.

Benefits of Buying a Broken iPhone

There are a few benefits to buying a broken iPhone. First, you can save money. Broken phones are typically sold for a fraction of the price of working phones. Second, you can get a newer model of phone for less money. Third, you can get a phone that is not available in your area.


If you are looking to buy an iPhone, consider buying a broken phone. Broken phones can be a great way to save money and get a newer model of phone. Just be sure to inspect the phone carefully before you buy it.

Here are some additional tips for buying a broken iPhone:

  • Ask the seller about the reason for the damage.
  • Get a written quote for the price of the phone.
  • Make sure the phone is still under warranty.
  • Be prepared to pay for repairs.

By following these tips, you can buy a broken iPhone with confidence.

Here are some of the most popular places to buy broken iPhones:

  • eBay
  • Amazon
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • Second hand shops

When buying a broken iPhone, be sure to inspect it carefully for damage. You should also ask the seller about the reason for the damage and whether or not the phone is still under warranty